μBoard: The Keyboard for Scientists and Mathematicians

Specialists working in diverse fields have trouble digitising their notes due to the weaknesses of traditional keyboards, which have barely evolved as technology has advanced. They are designed for the general public and it is very tedious to write documents using symbols that are only needed in certain professions.

By using μBoard, an external mathematical keyboard, symbols that mathematicians and scientists frequently use will be more easily accessible. This will enable them to focus on the work they are doing instead of struggling with entering symbols. Our team believes that it is high time solving mathematical problems is digitalized.

μBoard was my product proposal as part of a second-year project module at Imperial College London. It was among the 18 submission that were selected out of a total of 76. It was developed and prototyped by a group of 8 people.

The team held meetings weekly, and recorded the discussions in the meeetings consistently. We authored an Interim Report and a Final Report , pitched our product to a technical audience, and designed a website. We also created a fully functional prototype of our product, going above and beyond specifications of the module.